a weaned child

Uncategorized May 31, 2023

“I have stilled and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother.” 
                                                         Psalm 131:2

A weaned child is no longer a baby and no longer counting on mother’s milk for sustenance.  But it’s still dependent on mom, still not ready to fly solo.  And this psalmist’s confidence that a good parent will still be there to provide for him is a security offered to those of us with faith in a loving God.  Do I have that kind of confidence in the love of the Lord? 

I know that God’s love doesn’t promise me happiness in more than fleeting glimpses.  I know that bad things still happen to everyone, those with faith and those without, because that is the way the world truly works.  Sin and death reign in our bodies and in our world, and life is always deconstructing.  Even our best efforts to improve life, to improve others’ lives and even to improve ourselves lead to unintended consequences. 

For instance, as Lake Michigan kept rising in front of our summer cottage, the community approved a major rock revetment along the whole length of the lakefront.  We needed to protect the shoreline from water so high that it was destroying homes and infrastructure.  But now that rock revetment has become home to an infestation of mink, mean creatures who leave their fresh overkill to rot under our decks.  Unintended consequence. 

The unintended consequence of Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God’s authority in the Garden of Eden is that we all have inherited this rebellious streak.  Our grandson Everett just turned four years old this week, and he has gained the reputation of tyrant of the family.  His mom and dad let all three boys shower in the parents’ bathroom, so it is full of bath toys.  One night Everett announced that he “doesn’t want all these toys in here”, as if his parents have put them there for their own enjoyment.  No matter the question, Everett’s first response is “NO”, even if it is something he first told his mom that he wants, even if it is going to Disneyland for his birthday!  Rebellion. 

We’re all like that to greater or lesser degrees—don’t tell me I can’t do something or tell me that I have to do it a certain way and watch me turn into the Incredible Hulk.  When I was four years old, I ran away from home and hid in a bush on the corner, watching my dad drive frantically round and round the block looking for me.  Rebellion.  Where does Everett get it?

Now I am asking God for the discipline to turn to him like a weaned child, not running from my loving father, but dependent on his lovingkindness to quiet and still my soul.  After all, sin and death reign now in our flawed and fallen world.  But one day, in the end, in the end, in the end, everything evil will come undone and Christ will reign in a new heaven and new earth.  Until that day I am….. 

Living under Christ’s kindness,


Happy birthday, Everett!
