another of the things we keep

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2023

In September, I told you about a family of artists that we’ve known for many years.  Recently I was cleaning one of our guest rooms, and was struck anew by the beauty of this quilt that hangs above the bed.  Created by Kendra Bayer in 1997, it is a series of portraits of women saints painted on beige cotton fabric, alternating with silk-screened faces of Christ. 

It’s not the only piece of Kendra’s art that we own.  There’s another quilt assembled from Bingo cards and a triptych of small quilts made from laminated alphabet flash cards.  There are also two statues.   Each of them is precious, but I particularly love the vibrancy of the colors and the dynamism of the saints portrayed on this piece.  Who are some of these extraordinary women? 

  1. Catherine of Siena, youngest of 25 children, lived in the 14th century, the daughter of a wealthy dyer. She refused to marry, spending much of her time in prayer and meditation, even as a child.  She lived at home and became a lay person in the order of St. Dominic.  Her work was to care for those with the most repulsive diseases when no one else would help them.  For this reason, St. Catherine became the patron saint of nursing services.
  2. Cecilia lived in the 2nd and 3rd century and died a martyr. She became the patron saint of music because it is said that she “heard heavenly music in her heart.”
  3. Legend has it that St. Anne was the mother of Jesus’ mother Mary. As such she is the patron saint of housewives, pregnancy and laboring mothers.
  4. Martha was the sister of Mary and Lazarus and is portrayed in scripture as working hard to prepare a special meal for Jesus. She has become the patron saint of hospitality and cooking.
  5. Teresa of Avila was a Spanish nun in the 16th She was one of the great mystics and a religious reformer.  She often experienced migraines and so became the patron saint of headaches. 

These are just five of the 21 women portrayed on this quilt.  Sleeping under their watchful eyes, our guests, if they take the time to notice, have many choices of someone to call upon to advocate with them before God and assuage their nighttime worries.

Love, Liz 

“With angels and archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify your holy name, evermore praising thee.”    The Book of Common Prayer
