christmas comes

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2020

Christmas comes.
We count down all the days;
We shop and shop and plan.
We decorate our place
In glistening lights again,
As Christmas comes.

Christmas comes.
We wrap up gifts, surprises
In boxes, paper, bows;
Anticipation rises
Amidst the candles' glow,
As Christmas comes. 

Christmas comes.
Despite our aspirations
For holiness and peace
And Advent preparations
That leave us feeling weak,
Yet Christmas comes.

Christmas comes….
Does not depend on us
Or all our best intentions
To keep a sacred focus
Or secular abstentions.
Still Christmas comes.

Christmas comes
In the wonder of a boy
Who doesn't want to leave
The manger's simple joy.
For all who will believe,
Christmas still comes.

Liz McFadzean

Photo by David McFadzean
