final thoughts on a michigan summer

Uncategorized Sep 18, 2024

Each year I end my Michigan summer with a photo of a sunset over the lake.  It isn’t the last sunset or the prettiest sunset or even my favorite sunset.  Every night is a unique and inspiring display.  But this year it was one perfect moonset that took my breath away.  I am habitually an early riser.  However, at the beginning of the summer in June I am rarely awake early enough to see the moon set.  The days up north are simply too long.

Last week, when I got out of bed and walked to the front porch to look at the lake, the moon’s reflection was casting a path of silver light straight to my front door, broken only by the slight swell of the waves rhythmically lapping against the shore.  Lake Michigan has many moods—calm and gentle to raging and roaring.  The differences are one of the reasons that I prefer it to the ocean.   That, and the absence of sharks!

Just like the lake, each summer has a slightly different personality.  At the end of our time here, I like to remember some of the most vivid and joyful memories.  You already know about our travels with our granddaughter and my visit to NYC with Meredith.  But there are many other small but significant occurrences:

  1. Charlotte and her friends starting a lemonade stand, keeping it going all summer and finally donating all the proceeds to the Epworth church…about $500.
  2. Meredith serving on a committee that planned special events, and packing our auditorium for a standing-room-only concert presentation of a musical with Broadway aspirations.
  3. Our five-year-old grandson Everett running out of his cottage to greet his 90-year-old neighbor, and then asking Buddy, “Can I do anything to help you, Buddy.”
  4. Charlotte and Chloe choreographing and performing dances with their friends in Epworth’s annual Variety Show.
  5. All our grandchildren doing a little skit with their moms in the same Variety Show.
  6. Our son-in-law Ben getting some serious amplitude tubing on a family pontoon trip after Charlotte showed him how it’s done.
  7. Our son having to be towed by Epworth friends not once, but twice in his little "Boaty McFloaty" when its engine started smoking.
  8. Kimberly making a dear friend in our Epworth and the two of them agreeing to take on important roles in Epworth’s Women’s Auxiliary next year. 

We all had a busy, even hectic summer.  But it was full of special memories and beautiful images.

Love, Liz
