fox and geese

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2019

The quick brown fox of typing fame
Jumps over a lazy dog;
He uses letters as he goes,
All the letters in English prose,
While behaving like a frog.

A childhood game is fox-and-geese
As taught me by my father;
We'd make a circle track in snow
And cutting paths across we'd go
While chasing one another. 

The fox I watch among the geese
Is sneakier and wily;
So still, he warily watches
Reposing on his haunches
And plots attacks so vilely. 

It’s not his fault that he yearns for
A fine poultry delicacy;
This fox is viciously tricky,
Stalking his prey so quickly.
It's just his biology. 

Liz McFadzean
