in the rearview mirror

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2021

They say hindsight is twenty-twenty.  I’m not sure it is quite that sharp, but with time we do gain some clarity.  MomCon in Nashville didn’t bear the huge sales that we had hoped for.  Mom’s “off the leash” seem to buy more jewelry than books.  But we met a lot of wonderful women, and Meredith got at least a hundred names and email addresses to add to her list for the future.  She heard speakers who inspired her and some who encouraged her that she, too, can do this.  She is not discouraged.  In fact, after the event ended, she wrote these words:

“So many things I would have done differently.  So many moments I’m still processing.  So much work, pain, hope, excitement, faith is behind every page of this book.  Not everything happened how I thought it would and I’m still allowing that to settle in my heart.  But for now I’m going to honor the process and let all the emotions collide and settle as I travel home…Something good is ahead. Even when you can’t see it or think it’s passed you by.”

One thing that did happen just as we expected is that Meredith’s booth was the MOST beautiful booth in the exhibit hall.  Everyone stopped and commented on it.  I met one woman who works for a publisher and as I described Meredith’s book, her eyes glazed over in that stare that I’ve witnessed in Hollywood when someone is trying to explain why they can’t read your script or how many other people are trying to do the same thing that you are.  But then I brought a book over to her as a gift and her eyes brightened up and she said, “Oh, THIS is the beautiful book, and your booth is gorgeous!” Just moments later she started following Meredith on Instagram.  (Thank you to our sweet Kimberly McFadzean who flew in to help us set up.  And to Nell Twitty who painted a beautiful canvas rendition of the cover of Meredith’s book.

Meanwhile, if you need a copy of “All the Time” or ten or twenty for your small group, please let us know.  We can hook you up! 

Love, Liz

PS:  On the COVID front, so far so good.   But we’ll have to wait a bit before we’re sure about that. So keep praying.

Photo credit to Meredith Barnes and Gretchen Bayer
