Elijah in the wilderness
Fleeing from an evil queen
In his despair he lay down
Under a broom tree
Wanting to give up and die
Twice the Lord came
Twice he left a cake
Baked on a rock
A cake and a jar of water
And Elijah ate and was filled
More than filled, he was fortified
What was this magic cake
That said to Elijah, “Eat me”
Eons later Jesus turned to the crowd
“I am bread!” he said. Outlandish
Hunger satisfying, thirst slaking
Bread and water and wine
He is cake baked on a hot stone
Of a cross, the one who fortifies
When we feel despair
There were those hanging around
Grumbling when Christ said such things
Preferring fireworks and power
Jesus knew their thoughts
So he said it again
“I am the bread of life”
He raised Elijah’s spirit in the wilderness.
He will raise us up as well
On the last day
Eat this bread
Drink this cup
Liz McFadzean