
Uncategorized Feb 02, 2022

“Marvelous” was my mother’s word.  I think she loved the sophisticated way that the first syllable could be drawn out, as in “MAH-velous.”  She used it all the time.  I mean ALL THE TIME!  On the other hand, she objected to my dad’s overuse of the word “great,” completely oblivious to her own fatiguing habitual expression.  Isn’t that just so human? 

The word “marvelous” used to irritate me, even when I ran across it in scriptures: 

   “In perfect faithfulness you, O Lord, have done marvelous things.”    Isaiah 25:1 

   “Declare his marvelous works among all peoples.” 
                                   1 Chronicles 16:24 

   “O sing to the Lord a new song for he has done marvelous things.”    Psalm 98:1

   “This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.” 
                                    Matthew 21:42 

   “Proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”   1 Peter 2:9 

In truth “marvelous” is a good word…maybe even a “great” word, a melodious, gloriously descriptive word.  It’s amazement, in the falling-on-your-face in awe sort of way.  It’s a heart-stirring word.  It’s not a socialite speaking at a party with a cigarette dangling from her fingers.  It’s a prophet aware of his unclean lips in the presence of a holy God.  It’s a crusading, persecuting Pharisee struck dumb on the Damascus Road.  It’s shepherds on a hillside awed by the cosmic appearance of angels and rushing to a stable to see something humbling and spectacular, then running out to tell everyone they knew that they had just seen something to marvel at, something truly marvelous! 

What’s an old and tired word that you need to recover in your life?  How about the Word made flesh?  Can you marvel at the epiphany of God Incarnate among us today? 

Love, Liz


Photo of my parents on their wedding day, mother looking simply “MAHvelous.”
