nashville or bust!

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2021

On Monday my daughter Meredith and I began our trek to Nashville, Tennessee.  Back in the spring, she had asked me if I would go with her to MomCon, a convention hosted by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and manage a booth to sell her book.  At the time I had received my second COVID vaccination and things were looking better in the world.  How little we know.

Since then, the Delta variant has reared its ugly head, and Nashville has become a bit of a hotspot for COVID.  To say that I’m nervous about attending a conference with thousands of women, is a bit of an understatement.  My “innards” are telling me that my anxiety levels are high.  What we will do for love! 

So, we packed our car with 300 books and plenty of décor to make Meredith’s booth look alluring. (There was even a tiny space for our clothes!).  My daughter-in-law flew in yesterday to help us set it all up.  She is the party planner extraordinaire and can do in minutes what it would take Mer and myself hours to do.  I’m double-layering my masks and hand sanitizing with a vengeance. 

Tomorrow afternoon is the start of the conference.  Please pray that we don’t catch COVID, and that we sell lots of books!   I’ll try to bring you a report next week on our success on both fronts.

Love, Liz

P.S.  I know that Meredith has her own anxieties, but she isn't worried about any of this at all.  She's a perfect traveling buddy for me on this occasion
