psalm of the doorkeeper

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2023

I am a doorkeeper,
  holding the portal open
for the sad and grieving hearts
  to hear love proclaimed.

I am opening the gate
  for the person
who has wandered far,
  to find his way back home

I am an usher
  for the longing soul
to find a welcome
  and a seat at life’s banquet

I am a greeter
  who smiles and offers care
to one dazzled, but blinded or wearied
  by this world’s whims and woes

I am a pallbearer
  carrying the broken body
from the world’s boneyard
  to the gates of heaven

I am invisible and forgotten,
  subsumed in the wake of One
who holds home and healing
  in outstretched hands.

I would rather be a doorkeeper
  in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents
  of wickedness.                              Selah.

Liz McFadzean 

photo by Kimberly McFadzean
