pine bough

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2022

haiku for Lori

         Unhinged by wind
like hair falling out in clumps
     advancing new growth

Liz McFadzean

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the cross

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2022

The wonderful thing about our God is that he always had a “work-around” for sin.  His work-around is one perfect atoning sacrifice for my sin and the sin of the world.  

I’m pretty careful these days with the word sin in any instance except in the case of my...

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a holy lent--peace

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2022

At the beginning of Lent, I distinguished harmony from unison singing.  When I longed for harmony, I wasn’t longing for total agreement, but for a melody of multiple voices in tune with one another.  So here, near the end of Lent, I go back to a similar refrain—I am longing...

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a holy lent--humility and empathy

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2022

Jesus is the one who has broken down the walls of hostility between humans.  I must be oh, so careful not to build them back, through unkind thoughts or broken systems.  So, this week I long for HUMILITY and EMPATHY. 

I’ve put these two words together because both require me...

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a holy lent--endurance

Uncategorized Mar 23, 2022

I used to believe that if I kept to my workout regimen, I wouldn’t ever lose my muscle tone.  I could keep my body and fitness forever.  I didn’t take into account the debilitating effects of plantar fasciitis.  An overuse injury, common to tennis players of a caliber...

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a holy lent--vision

Uncategorized Mar 16, 2022

“Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.  Open the eyes of my heart.
I want to see You; I want to see You.”          Michael W. Smith 

Today I am longing for VISION…. vision to see God and learn from him.  To know that what...

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a holy lent--simplicity

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2022

I enjoy the magazine “Real Simple” with its space-saving solutions, its paired down decor and clean lines.  I like the concept, but I can’t live that way.  My house is filled with so much stuff, and each item carefully placed in view has a memory attached or a useful...

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a holy lent--harmony

Uncategorized Mar 02, 2022

During the season preceding Easter, the devoted of certain Christian traditions often give up something or find a new discipline to adopt. One appropriate way of experiencing a holy Lent is to go through an extended period of self-examination.  Beginning on Ash Wednesday (today!) and...

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when you're smilin'

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2022

Last week I wrote about rainbows, those fleetingly ephemeral manifestations of water and light.  Over Christmas I saw one as I was driving through a brief shower on the freeway.  I wanted to stop and take a photograph, but by the time I had pulled off the highway it was gone.  Many...

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Uncategorized Feb 16, 2022

As we emerge from the worst days of Omicron, the third but probably not the last of the COVID variants, we’re hanging onto a cautious optimism.  Some of us are angry at how long this difficult season has gone on, and we look for someone to blame for all the upheaval of the last two...

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