
Uncategorized May 20, 2020

I am adrift
   on a long, slow flow
of memory's stream.
   I am floating,
recalling places
   I have never been,
gazing into a colossal tree
   at the gargantuan nest
of an eagle, scouring the sea 

to find food
   for hatchlings that are

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bougainvillea and a faded rose

Uncategorized May 13, 2020

My husband arrived with Easter flowers
Plucked from our yard when the florists closed;
They sit on a gilded, oaken prayer rail,
Some bougainvillea and a faded rose. 

There is no glorious romantic gesture,
Expensive or expansively bestowed
That can compare with this simple offering
Of bougainvillea...

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blind bartimaeus

Uncategorized May 06, 2020

He sits on the roadside
breathing ebony air,
swimming in ink
as thick as curdled milk,
blind to the passerby;
he hears everything:
all their conversations,
exclamations, furtive murmurings.
They all know who he is,
they know his father, mother,
disgraced kin.  He's famous,
infamous, his beggarly aroma

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walking in the dark

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2020

Everyone’s an evangelist for something.  It’s natural.  If something has changed your life for the better, you want to share that with others, especially if you love them.  I’m an evangelist for Neti-pots and weighted blankets.  My children recently put on an...

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stay home

Uncategorized Apr 22, 2020

On the day that America entered the War in Iraq, I knelt in church praying this Prayer of the Holy Innocents from the Book of Common Prayer:

      “Receive, we pray, into the arms of your mercy all innocent victims, and by your

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Uncategorized Apr 15, 2020

Some of us will be statistics,
counted among the thousands
who succumbed;
no splashy send-off,
flower-strewn casket or
weeping mourners.
                                    Mother Teresa
died just a day before...

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every blessing bears a barb (a prayer for good friday)

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2020

When your arms, holding, hurt, O God,
  all full of painful cactus spines,
temptation sees you as our foe.
  Foes abound, without a doubt...
foes that you cannot abide--
  fear and cruelty, hearts of stone.

But you were pierced with spines
  that caused your sacred heart to bleed

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Uncategorized Apr 01, 2020

I can still see bromeliads growing
  from behind the glass, stalks projecting,
reaching, golden crowns lifting.

And I can see wisteria blooming,
  hanging fragrant purple heads,
mourning in the morning light. 

Birdsong penetrates my walled-off ears,
  and hummingbirds and...

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Uncategorized Mar 25, 2020

I had one uncomfortable moment when my cousins were visiting me.  Even growing up in the same extended family, we have very different attitudes about some things.  One of those “bones of contention” involves social media.  Other than my blog, I don’t participate...

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pulling together

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2020

“You make your path by
walking it--reading
a virgin track for others
to follow--through meadow,
up hill, into friendship....


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