on the road again

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2021

This week I’ve done a lot of driving.  I drove from Michigan to Nashville, on a book promotional journey to MomCon.  Once back in Epworth I drove to the airport and back to pick up my husband who flew in to help me close cottages and drive back across the country.  We left...

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in the rearview mirror

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2021

They say hindsight is twenty-twenty.  I’m not sure it is quite that sharp, but with time we do gain some clarity.  MomCon in Nashville didn’t bear the huge sales that we had hoped for.  Mom’s “off the leash” seem to buy more jewelry than books.  ...

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nashville or bust!

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2021

On Monday my daughter Meredith and I began our trek to Nashville, Tennessee.  Back in the spring, she had asked me if I would go with her to MomCon, a convention hosted by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and manage a booth to sell her book.  At the time I had received my second COVID...

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boat on the roof

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2021

This ain’t Ararat!
This weather-worn, dilapidated shed
that’s seen better, but not much better days.

And this tub is no Ark,
this boat perched precariously on a rooftop.
“Keep Off” says the sign on the wall,
but boats don’t read.

What flood of tears lifted you
to such...

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blueberry picking

Uncategorized Aug 25, 2021

The freshness of the orb
as I pop it in my mouth,
an explosion of blue juice
running down my chin,
staining fingers as they pick
and plop them into buckets:
one for the berry pail,
one on my tongue,
the promise of pies and
muffins and stacks of flapjacks
can wait as I gobble them
fresh off the...

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small girl in a big window

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2021

From every window of my house
I can see water.  Lake and river surround me. 
I lie down in the green grass, but

the water isn’t always still.  Sometimes
it rages, and flimsy barriers of glass
and clapboard restrain the tempest’s damage.
The storms within the house are harder...

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god's eye

Uncategorized Aug 11, 2021

Our love is fatally flawed,
  but God’s love can always be trusted.

Love, Liz 

“His eye is on the sparrow,
  and I know he watches me.”         Civilla Durfee Martin

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the fire that burns from within

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2021

Every single one of us was made in God’s image for a purpose.  We tend to read scripture and generalize that purpose, assigning ourselves a list of tasks and ministries that we should do.  We know, for instance, that we should feed the hungry, care for widows and orphans, and...

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a chicken in every pot

Uncategorized Jul 28, 2021

“Republican prosperity has reduced hours and increased earning capacity, silenced discontent, put a ‘chicken in every pot.’  And a car in every backyard, to boot…The Republican Party rests its case on a record of stewardship and performance…..Wages, dividends,...

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a bulwark never failing

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2021


After our summer cottage was inundated by a Lake Michigan tsunami, we arrived to find the lower level of the home a jumbled, muddy mess.  Flood waters had ruined everything… furniture, walls, bathrooms, bedrooms all had to be abandoned.  We were one of three cottages in...

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